
All lectures and discussions will take place in Bloomberg 475.
The room will be available every day from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Monday, October 29:
Jeremy Sakstein
xAct tutorial and screening mechanisms
To make the most of Jeremy’s tutorial, please make sure to have a working installation of xAct. See also his webpage.
Jeremy’s slides: lecture 1lecture 2
Jeremy’s Mathematica notebooks: tutorialexamples
In the afternoon (1pm-3pm) we will move to Bloomberg 478 for a hands-on session.

Tuesday, October 30:
Ryan McManus
The PPN formalism in gravity theories with screening
powerpoint, pdf

Wednesday, October 31:
Helvi Witek
Numerical relativity in extensions of general relativity
lecture, notebook

Thursday,November 1:
Thomas Helfer
Numerical relativity, axion stars and cosmic strings
powerpoint, pdf

Friday, November 2:
Oliver Tattersall
From parametrized cosmological perturbations to parametrized black hole perturbations
Félix-Louis Julié
The effective-one-body formalism in general relativity and modified gravity

Monday, November 5:
Lucas Collodel
Numerical calculations of the structure of q-balls and boson stars
instructions to get ready to work with colsys: see this link
col.f, colaux.f, qb_work.f, colsys.pdf

Tuesday, November 6:
Caio Macedo
Advanced methods in quasinormal mode calculations
pdf, notebook (axial dynamical Chern-Simons)
João Luis Rosa
Black hole perturbations in f(R) and hybrid metric-Palatini gravity

Wednesday, November 7:
Mohammed Khalil
Hairy binary black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory and their effective-one-body description
Ely Kovetz
Primordial black holes and gravitational waves